Paul's counter-charge with the Russian Cavalry on the south end of the battlefield drove off 3 units of my French Cuirassiers and took the pressure off of his infantry as they pulled back to Klein-Sausgarden. Here is the historical layout of the troops at the beginning of the battle for comparison.
In our version, the French attacks have over-run the Russian guns at the south end of the Russian position and driven the Russian Infantry backward toward the woods.
Steady fire from Davout's infantry drives off the Russian Cuirassier.

The Russian Hussars withdraw to the flank.

The casualties are immense and the unit is nearing the breaking point.
Form Square! The Russian line, now without artillery support and without significant cavalry support is helpless to do anything but form square and hope.
Here is a chronology of the rest of the battle:
4:00 The Russian artillery continues to punish the French near Eylau
In the south, Davout moves up his infantry to attack the Russian infantry now trapped in square.
5:00 The Russian line in the south cracks and flees north and east.
6:00 The French mop up the remaining Russian forces in the south and drive toward Lampasch and the main Russian line of supply.
7:00 The Russians launch a counter-attack with their infantry into the woods west of Lampasch that drives the French out, but Davout successfully seizes the town with a force of 2 infantry divisions and two somewhat battered cavalry divisions in support. They are now separated from the main French line, but are in a strong position to fend off Russian attempts to re-open the main route of retreat. In the north, Ney's Corps arrives and seizes Schmoditten to the right rear of the main Russian position.
8:00 The Russians pull back their forces that were forming up for the attack on Eylau and face off the new threat from Ney. Lucky for the French they waited too long to launch the attack.
9:00 French forces from the south and west converge on the woods west of Lampasch and threaten the Russian forces there. Fighting finally sputters out with the Russian army completely battered and almost completely surrounded. The Russians ended the fighting with 17 units eliminated and the French 8. Complete victory for the French. Vive le Emperor!
Post Script:
The Russian commander, desperate, orders his army to attempt to break out to the east and to re-form as best they can at Friedland. Some units blunder into Ney's forces around Schmoditten or Davout's men near Lampasch. They are rebuffed in disorder, adding to the confusion of the retreat. Others are lucky enough to head cross-country between the French forces and escape. However the confusion and disorder wrought on the remaining Russian forces makes them easy fodder for the pursuing French cavalry the following day. The harassed and demoralized Russians that manage to trudge, exhausted into Friedland are easily defeated and scattered by Soult and Ney's fresh Corps over the following days.