11 months ago, Scott MacPhee embarked upon a mission to paint two huge Second Punic Wars armies for me. The work is finally complete and the armies are safely on my table and ready to play Command & Colors: Ancients.
I also plan to re-fight the entire Second Punic War. I will be using the 'Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage' board game for the strategic side of things, and C&C:A to fight the battles.
More on that to follow. Meanwhile here are pictures of the miniature armies (28mm figures from Aventine, Renegade, Relic, and a few A&A), the man who made them beautiful, and the guy who will be playing with them:
The artist: Scott MacPhee
All I can say is 'Wow' and 'Thank you' to Scott. These figures are certainly some of the most beautiful to ever fight on the tabletop.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Second Punic War - Republican Romans
Republican Romans: Velites (Light Skirmishers), Hastati (Medium Infantry), Principes (Heavy Infantry), Triarii (Heavy Infantry Reserve), and Medium Cavalry.
Second Punic War - Roman Allies
Roman Allies: Etruscans, Samnites, etc. that made up the wings (Alea) of the Roman armies of the Republican era. These are a mixture of Auxilia, Medium, and Heavy Infantry as well as Light and Medium Cavalry.
Second Punic War - Spanish
Here are the Spanish Light Infantry Auxillia (Caetrati), Medium Infantry (Scutarii), Baleric Slingers, and Medium Cavalry
Second Punic War Armies - Gauls
Here are the Gauls
Scott's brushwork on the plaids and shields makes this contingent the most colorful and truly a sight to see on the battlefield.
Scott's brushwork on the plaids and shields makes this contingent the most colorful and truly a sight to see on the battlefield.